Thursday, November 22, 2007


If you are not a pansy, i will see you tomorrow for mad-house shopping!!! Im super excited! After tomorrow we may not be speaking for a couple days after I push you over. I apoligize in advance... ; )


Sarah said...

Hehehe. I'm still a little shaky from lack of sleep, but it was SO worth it.

Mac said...

Ahh. To see the sun come up hours after being combat shopping. Now that is Christmas.
Good times.

Susie Q said...

It completely messed with my internal calendar. I kept thinking it had been two days, you know wake up, do your day, back to bed (even in jammies) then get up again, coffee, NEWSPAPER, (cause it wasn't there at FOUR IN THE MORNING, (Jim, Haley and I went to Old Navy at 5:15am) then on with your day. Trully screwed me up.
But it was fun standing in line at Target at 5:45am with Sarah, Kate Haley, Jim and the couple from San Diego. Good times...

froelica said...

Mmm.... sleep....

froelica said...

Mmm.... sleep....

Emily said...

You all blow.... Jon and I continued on to Washington Square and shopped until 11am!!! You all wussed out after breakfast - you all had a full stomach and decided to go home and go back to bed... man did you miss out! On what you ask? I don't know - but you missed out none the less.

Emily said...

Okay I can't fully say that mom, haley and dad were wusses - you were up an hour before me - but still.... come on!!!

Haley said...

em- just so ya know.. after breakfast.. we ended up going to the streets and kohls to find my jacket. by the way.. didnt find anything... HA! so your not the only crazy one!! hehe