Sunday, December 2, 2007

Tis the season to be merry?

Yes, it tis the time. Finals week! Ugh. Wish me luck! Good news is I only have three and only two are tests. I just cant wait till they are over. I am stressin just a little. : )

Another piece of good news is after my last exam at 730 AM on FRIDAY, (yes they do make people get up that early. i never knew. : ) ) I get to go home for a whole month for break! That will be so nice! I know I come home alot. But now I get to stay for more than just the weekend and not have to drive so freaking much!

Well have a fabulous week! I shall be getting to bed soon. Goodnight yall.

OH ps.


OH double ps.
Can I live there? PLEASE!


Mac said...

Good luck Hopper.
We'll see you Friday.
And no you cannot live there.

Susie Q said...

Good luck HopDog. I know you'll kick some finals butts!

That city area reminds me of Sitka Alaska, (don't know why really)

Oh and...Don't you just love that Lauren wants to be a photogragher "just like Haley"?

froelica said...

Since it encompasses most of my vocabulary already, I'll stick with a Simpsons quote:

(Principal Skinner)
"I'm going to punish you for this, Bart. And it won't just be a simple caning this time. Because you have impeded science, you must now aid science. Yes... Starting tomorrow, you will assist me with my amateur astronomy, taking down coordinates, carrying equipment, and so forth. Four-thirty in the morning."

"There's a four-thirty in the morning now?"

Haley said...

thanks guys! i have one down and only two more to go.

mom- seriously lauren wanting to be me makes me oh so happy! : )

ashley- good quote! well done. : )

Emily said...

Good luck on your last one tomorrow morning. I can't wait for you to be home for a month too - it's just not the same with you gone!!! :)

I love that picture by the way - where is that? I want to go there. :)

Sarah said...

Ok, first off...I think I might be the only one who doesn't know about Lauren's photography interest...but I LIKE it! She does want to be just like Haley though. I know that much.
Second, YOU'RE DONE!! And on your way home no doubt. :)
Third, I want to live there too.
And fourth, there is no fourth.

Haley said...

fourth- it is a picture in germany. : )

second-IM DONE!! WOO HOO!

kara said...

You don't want to live there. They'd prolly force you to join the Lollipop Guild at gunpoint.