Monday, December 10, 2007

Much needed photographs

So... you all I'm sure have heard about the gingerbread makin contest! There have been some askin for the "proof." You be the judge.. keep in mind... Gingerbread houses are supposed to be made of candy and frosting and other items you could eat! Just remember when looking at the pictures!


Mac said...

Well, if Bill Clinton can ask for a definition of "is", then I can ask for a definition of "edible", right?

So,I say the give the houses to Sarah and Josh's dog. I bet he'll eat it.

Merry Christmas.

Mac said...

Oops. She. The dog.

froelica said...

That one guy ate a Cessna.

Susie Q said...

Yup, Abby appears to be the type of pooch that would eat dern near anything.
Next year you and James will not be overlooked on this whole thing, it really wasn't the same without you. Miscommunication, big time.

Sarah said...

She ate a meatball the size of my fist yesterday. In one bite. Ew.

kara said...

I'd totally eat the trees from the first one. Totally. After several cocktails. And by several I mean a crapload. Better start early.