Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Christmas is over. It is a very sad day for me. Does anyone else hate that feeling right after all the gifts have been opened? I get instantly depressed because i know that now in just a matter of days all the decorations and holiday happiness will be over.

I cant wait until next Christmas already! : )


Sarah said...

Honestly, I put up decorations early enough this year that I'm all ready for them to come down. I'm kind of excited to have my house back... but yeah, I know what you mean and I usually feel the same way. Just another year of getting excited for Christmas!! :)

Sarah said...

Oh, and the picture of the tree is so sad...poor tree.

Susie Q said...

You know how I feel, can't WAIT to get the decorations down. The place gets a tad cluttered. I'm just pathetic, I am fully aware.

Mac said...

I know what you mean. It is a sad day.
But as Sarah said we now have an entire year to get excited about it.
Only 363 days left.
Merry Christmas.

froelica said...

I'm RIGHT there with you, Sarah.

I did this with Halloween too. I put the decorations up so early that by the time Halloween came around I was like "Isn't this thing over yet?". Kinda like that for Christmas too.

Maybe next year I'll give myself a two-week maximum of pre-holiday decorating. Probably not.

Nicole said...

I felt the same way until I looked around my living room 8 hours later and thought AHHHHHHH!!! A TORNADO HIT MY HOUSE!!! I'm still trying to recover. With Christmas in the middle of the week, I am waiting until this weekend to clean. "Out with the with the New!"

I already miss Ethan's face when he saw Santa brought his blue bike he asked for! I cried my eyes out - nothing like seeing your child happy!

kara said...

Awww, you bunch of scrooges. Mine are staying up til Jan 2nd. I'm a rebel!

Haley said...

Go kara!

Sarah said...

Well, for all my "talk" of de-Christmassing, I still have my lights on the house and the tree on the back porch. Yeah, that's how we roll.