Thursday, June 12, 2008

You cant make me.

The last few months have made me realize how freaking old I am getting. Lets remind you of my recent events.

1. Turned 19
2. Been with my boyfriend for FIVE YEARS
3. Finished my first year of college
4. one of my best friends from forever is ENGAGED
5. ANOTHER one of my friends I have known for forever is also ENGAGED
6. did i mention i FINISHED my first year of college??

Well this may not seem like a whole lot to you guys. But its tweaking me out!! I feel like im still a little kid inside but when I look at my life and myself in the mirror IM OLD! : ( Ok maybe not old... but it is scary that the majority of my friends and myself will be married within the next 4 years, and i will have a diploma from OSU and be starting a career as a elementary school teacher!

I can remember playing dolls in my street with Ashlea Burch, walking into my closet to find my "baby" hanging by a rope (of course, only a big brother would ever think of doing), and being so scared to sleep alone I would find myself on the floor of my parents room almost every night for many years.

I dont wanna grow up!!!!!!! : (

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Project dont get pregnant

For my last art project we were asked to make a "found object" piece. Which means you use an object that is not intended for art. We were also supposed to come up with a metaphor for it. A hidden meaning either serious or joking. An example was a mouse made out of computer parts. Hahaha I originally wanted to make a "fruit bowl" out of artificially flavored fruit soda cans. I got the bowl part done, looked like a child did it. Then I attempted the fruit part. Looked like crap and gave up in a very stressed out mood. Very same night that I decided I had to start all over with only a weekend left... I had to take scott to the emergency room cause he sliced his knuckle open with a soda top. Anyway.. way later that night I could finally start thinking about a new project. I came up with I think, a pretty funny one! The critique for it is tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!! I did a diaper bag that is made out of condoms. Yes 48 condoms cover this bag that is filled with diapers and a baby bottle. Now the real funny part to this whole story is that when me and scott went to fred meyer to buy these massive amount of condoms which by the way we drove all around town to find the cheapest amount in bulk. Well anyway.. we ended up having to buy three 24 packs of the assorted pack. So I could get the right colors I needed. Plus diapers and a bottle all in one purchase. Well we went through the self checkout of course to prevent any possible embarrassment. When we were all done buying them we walk through the beeping part and of course it goes off! Our luck. Normally the workers are too lazy and dont give a crap and usually just let us go, im sure that has happened to you. Not this time. The guy working there grabs the bag from scott and trys scanning them again to get the detector thing off. While he was doing this, there was a couple our age watching that could see through the very thin fred meyer bag and noticed how many we were buying. The couple starts to laugh and looks over at us. I said "i swear its for a project!" The girl looks at me and says "Yea project dont get pregnant!" So there is the very long eventful story for my weekend. Anyway here are a couple pictures of it.. Ill bring it home though so you can get a closer look. : )

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Take me out to the ball game.

So yesterday we went to the OSU baseball game at the PGE park. It was a really fun game! The only down part to it was that it was oh about 30 degrees out. Ok, maybe not that cold. But it was very chilly. But of course Scott and I had to take part in "Dip'n Dots"." Yea I know.. were fools. Oh well! The beavers lost by alot.. It was very sad. But they played really well and it was still an entertaining game. This picture is from the game, I am going to use it for my next photography assignment. Its a narrative piece. I thought it was soo cute this random dad and son. You gotta love it. It makes me feel like its a back in the day picture, just the fans watching the local baseball game on a saturday afternoon. : )

Have a fantastic day!! Its nice out again! Of course it only rained on the day we chose to go to the game. Thats Oregon for ya...

Monday, February 11, 2008

Drum roll please.

I just saw probably the worst "for the cure" things. We were watching ESPN, and there was the Rutgers basketball team that were in all pink, the chearleaders were in pink, audience in pink, etc. They were playing basketball for the cure! No joke. I laughed so hard and had to call my parentals. Had to share it with someone that would appreciate it. Whats next!?!?!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

need a smile?

I LOVE this picture of molly. good lord is she cute or what?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

sorority girl?

Hey there,

well last night i joined alpha phi sorority! it is pretty exciting news for me! a few of the girls came to my dorm room last night and offered me a spot in alpha phi. i of course excepted! now.. i am of course nervous for the new things im going to have to face.. i will be living in the house next year which will be alot of fun! but we sleep in a sleeping porch (one giant room with 100 bunk beds) which will be VERY interesting..

so all in all.
wish me luck!


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Cancer sucks.

thats all i have.

Friday, January 4, 2008

and... it begins all over again.

It is friday morning now, and in just two days my Christmas break is all over. I am going back to school sunday afternoon. Classes start back up again on monday after being off for an entire month. Not looking forward to it... we have all new classes as we start the new term. Im taking a photography class which im very excited to finally take a class that has something to do with why im even going there. Last term all i had was an astronomy class and 3 fine art classes. Which were actually harder than you would think, i thought out yea fine arts major, that should be pretty easy! Nope, i was wrong. Art teachers are very hard on grading. It sucks. Well that is all. Just be thinking of me this week as a start all my new classes. Hopefully i can start meeting some cool people! That would be nice...

Have a fantastic day.