Friday, August 17, 2007

I swear!!

Ok I swear i'm not racist. Just some things make me chuckle a little. So at work today I went back into the dish washer area/ kitchen and in there they were playing the loudest mexican music.. I actually stood there for a minute pondering this as I was gathering my silverwear. What if they hired a white person to work in the back. Would they have to be back there and listen to that music all day? I seriously think I would shoot myself. By the way its not just today that they were playing it. It is everyday. Just today I thought that I would share this with you. As I was putting all my silverwear in my oh so cool bin I thought you know, I should blog about this. HAHA. It has got me hooked.

Oh ps.. I just got home from watching High School Musical TWO! I made scott record it for me so we could watch it. I have to admit. I kinda sorta really enjoyed it. : )


Mac said...

Ahh..nothing like good accordian and guitar to get you pumped up in the dishwashin' room.

Susie Q said...

Seriously, I couldn't agree more.

If I had to listen to that stuff everday, I'd be sticking a fork in my eye. It's just so polka-ish.

How do I know this you may ask, well, I'm a gonna tell you... our ol' San Juan Capistrano neighborhood was SATURATED with it. It damn near busted our walls, that and the cockaroachestas.
((Bowing at your admiration for my stellar command of the Spanish language))

Sarah said...

They used to blast that crap whilst driving past my former abode (in the ghetto) and whistle or make rude gestures when I was pregnant. Ew.

Haley said...

A guy named Manuel made me my grilled cheese sandwich today when I went on my break. He told my manager he made it for me with love. They all thought it was cute. I thought it was extremely creepy. Kinda made me sick.

Sarah said...

Will he make you a sandwich for free? If so, then let him put as much love as he wants into that thing.

froelica said...

See, when I hear "Made with love" I immediately go to the most disgusting and immature place one can go.... I might have just turned Haley off to EVER eating at work again. I am sorry.

And Sue, its "la cucaracha"!!

Haley said...

EW. Thats all I have to say Ashley!

Sarah said...

You still haven't posted your top 5 movies. LOOOOOOser.

Amy said...

I'm with Ashley, I went to the bad place in my head with his "made with love" comment and nearly threw up in my mouth.

Why do pervy acts by smarmy men always make people swoon/giggle when it's not directed at them? I'm appalled on your behalf.

This is why people blog. To talk about the things througout the day that are not really "important" but fully worth mentioning. Well done Haley.

Haley said...

OK so that nasty guy that said he made my sandwich with love... just asked me out at work today. Im all sorry i have a boyfriend. and just avoided the whole back end of the restaurant. gross.