Monday, August 27, 2007


I love me some zoo. Scott and I took lauren and hayden to the zoo last week. It was a blast. Thought I would share some of the oh so cool pictures.


Sarah said...

Oh my gosh, that picture of Hayden with his hand up is so cute. He's sort of worshipping the fish. Ok, that made it creepy.

Susie Q said...

You need to show the Elephant ones too, so flipping cute. I lub dem. I reawy doo!
(No explanation for the retard talk...)

Mac said...

I love me some Zoo too...............I guess. I've never been to the Portland Zoo.
I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO THE FREAKING PORTLAND ZOO! I am so lame. I love Zoos. Just never went. Although we've only lived here for 14 years.
Haven't really had much chance to drive all the way to the Zoo.
I promise (right hand up) to go to the Zoo soon. Even if by myself.

Sarah said...

Dad, I'll go to the zoo with you.

Amy said...

He's not worshipping the fish he's revering it.

Vasili and Eloise were at the zoo that day too with Rich's family. When I got home Vasili was so excited that he "Lauren and Haynen". Yes, I spelled that incorrectly on purpose... that's just how he says it.

Haley said...

Yea. So that was a slightly awkward experience. Lauren goes I know them! Points and starts running over to them. I see an older guy.. didnt even see the kids yet. Had absolutly no idea who he was. It was scary for a moment. But I soon figured it out.

Emily said...

Man they are cute!

Dad - no more bitchin'.... get your butt to the zoo.... screw work, screw responsabilities - go to the zoo! I will go with you - Molly loves the zoo - she's already been twice this summer!

froelica said...

I've been told I am reminiscent of a meercat. I don't see it.

And Jim- YOU STILL HAVEN'T GONE?!?!?! Hither forth with haste, my good man!

Sarah said...

Yes, hither forth. Maybe we can go this weekend? Huh huh huh?