Monday, August 13, 2007

Seven hours of my life

I spent seven hours of my life today working on a slideshow of some past and recent pictures that I have taken and a couple that were just perfect fits for this "assignment." My dad is preaching at our church this coming sunday, and had asked me to make this slideshow to the lyrics of Turn, Turn, Turn by The Byrds. (Im sure you all know that song! Love it!) Anyway, so i thought it would be really easy to do this slideshow. I was wrong. For some reason it took me seven hours to complete it. This is after I had already taken all of the pictures but two. Man alive do I hate my parents computer. Im so used to my little macbook now that I have forgotten how incredibly slow and annoying our home computer is. Oh man. It gets me mad just thinking about it. Ok but to top of the stressful day I had with this dang slideshow thing is, I rushed to get it done cause a guy at our church wanted it by tonight. He didnt even show up to pick it up. What a punk right? Oh and to really top it all off, I was sick. Note to all.. dont eat a hot dog from the airshow. I think I ate bad "meat."


Susie Q said...

Good grief! Bad Meat!
((snort, snicker))

I will testify if you wanna sue the bastards!

froelica said...

See, this is why I don't eat meat. Actually, it has nothing to do with why I don't eat meat.... but its another good reason.

That guy WAS a punk... You leave him to me. I've got a feeling he wont be bothering you anymore, heh heh....

Haley said...

Haha! Thanks Ashley! You're a real helper when the time calls for it. : )

Sarah said...

But Haley, just think of the satisfaction of having completed not only the slideshow, but also the BEAUTIFUL blanket you helped with that same evening. I should post a picture of that wonder.

Sorry 'bout the bad meat.

froelica said...

I try.