Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My top five...

Ok so I'm not as obsessed with movies as all yall... but I do have a few that I would consider my favs.... Not in an particular order. Here I go.

-Ten Things I Hate About You.
-My Best Friends Wedding
-Mean Girls. (I'm sorry.. Its true..)
-The Notebook
-Super Bad.
Just saw it in the theater. It's truely amazing. Worth my whole nine dollars.

And many others. I just can't really think its almost 1am.

There ya go Sarah! Peer pressure at its finest. : )


froelica said...

Superbad was hi-la-rious.

Susie Q said...

I need to see Superbad...

Sarah said...

Yeah, me too. I think it will be a favorite of mine too.

James said...

Superbad rules!!

Mac said...

I want cops like the ones in Superbad.
Well, maybe not.