Monday, September 17, 2007

College Life

Well so far so good... last night was a little hard for me. My roommie doesnt come till tomorrow morning so I am alone in my room for two nights. I went over to scotts place with my friend Andi and her boyfriend Eric. We watched Almost Famous (good movie : ) ) Then I came back to my dorm watched like an hour of Devil Wears Prada and took some sleeping pills and fell right to sleep. Thank goodness. I slept pretty much all through the night. Which I guess was pretty good compared to my friends who kept waking up cause there bed sucked, or cause it was loud. Bummer for them. Hehe. Well this is alot of rambling but im sorta bored.. waiting to go to dinner with scott, eric, andi, and kelsey. Should be fun times. Well that is all. Think of me tomorrow around 9 am when my roommate moves in. I just hope we get along and she likes the setup of the room I chose... Well that is all. Have a great night yall. Missin you already.


Emily said...

I miss you too!!! I hope you sleep well again tonight and that your roomie is wonderful. My roommate might not have been like my best friend -but we got along and never had any problems. I hope the same for you. I love you!!! Sleep well! I will see you Sunday!

Sarah said...

I'm glad you were able to sleep. As you can see by the time, (12:31 am) I can't. Sucks balls.
See you soon! Oh, and Heidi brought over that bag of clothes. There are a couple things I think you'll like! Ok, I'm gonna try to sleep now. Nighty night!

Mac said...

Good luck Hopper with Liz. My guess is she will be freaked out a bit and you are now a "seasoned" college dorm person. Well, not really but I'm sure she will appreciate all the gettin'-ready-of-the-room that you have already done. Your place looks awesome.
Have fun with it.

Emily said...

How did it go? She is all moved in now right? I hope tonight goes well - I hope she doesn't snore or talk in her sleep - actually that would be kind of funny! :) Have a great day! Are you coming home tonight for the game? It's a 7:45pm game. I wont be going - the girls go to bed around that time.... but I will see you Sunday for sure.

Amy said...

The first few nights in a new place are the toughest. Especially when the hall is still kind of empty. Give it a month. Then the only thing you won't be able to sleep through is a fire alarm. Nothing like waking up at 2am and having to walk outside in the freezing rain until you got the "all-clear" from the fire department. I think out of the nearly two dozen fire alarms we got woken up to only one was legitimate. Idiots.

That reminds me... choose your pajamas wisely! You won't believe the horrors you'll see during your first alarm. Yeesh!

Haley said...

Emily- well liz is all moved in now, it went fine, didnt really get to talk to her too much, but im actually home already for the softball game. im just staying the night rather than driving back so late. Sorry you cant make the game.. bummer.

Amy- I cant wait for those fire alarms! oooeee am I excited!! haha.

froelica said...

Me and James had to deal with those fire alarms at the Grandview. That sucked... Glad you're getting all settled in. Have fun and enjoy it!

kara said...

so is she a nutjob or what? be concerned if she starts dressing just like you.

Sarah said...

So, you go off to college and you're suddenly too busy to blog? Huh, get on it sister. We want to know everything!
PS Are you coming for Oktoberfest at Papa and Connie's this weekend?