Sunday, September 9, 2007

Just cause

I know I JUST posted. But I came across this absolutly perfect picture. Had to post it!


Mac said...

Holy smokes!

It's a smile.

Emily said...

TEE HEE!!! I love this picture - it makes me giggle every time I see it.... Can't wait for Halloween this year!

kara said...

kay, consider this comment for the tattoo post. as someone with a large tattoo in the heretofore known as "trampy" place...let me just tell you main number one PLUS and main number one MINUS.

Plus: No one ever has to see it if you don't want them to. Or unless some guy at the post office sees it peaking out and tries to lift your shirt. You slap him.

Minus: That is pure bone there. Nothing fleshy to cushion the thousand little blows that are involved in the creation of tattoos. Though that's'll never get fat and's a pain worse than any you've ever known.

Knowing those two can move forward with my consent. Because, you know, you needed it.

Sarah said...

"trampy"... hahahaha

froelica said...


Mac said...

Hopper, I think you should use this photo in your portfoilio for OSU.

Haley said...

HA! good thinking dad!