Sunday, September 9, 2007

What I should be doing...

Well like most people, im way to lazy to do what I really should be doing right now, which is pack. I leave in a week from today and have not started packing. I have everything ready to go just not in boxes. Im kinda pushing it off as much as I can. I told my dad yesterday don't worry ill do it sometime this week. He laughed and said well you better since you only have this week left. I dont know, this is a lame blog. But you all are reading it anyway. Because I bet we are all on blogger reading other peoples blogs for the main purpose of avoiding something we should be doing. That is all. Oh and my super sweet picture of the dragon fly, is just for you to enjoy.

Have a gooood day! Ill see most of you in a few hours!


Mac said...

Nice Dragon Fly Hopper.

And by the way, it's OK if you don't pack.
You could just stay here with us a bit longer.
Works for me.

Emily said...

Love the Dragon Fly..

I don't even remember packing for college - obviously I did since all my stuff was there - but I can't for the life of me remember actually setting out to pack up my crap..... funny huh?

Emily said...

Oh and you are so right - I should be doing something else right now... but I'm blogging.... I should be sleeping - I'm so exhausted!!

Sarah said...

That is a sweeeet picture.

You will just throw everything into boxes or trash bags anyway, right? Oh, that's not how everyone packs? Hmmm, maybe I should give myself a bit more time next time I need to pack...

froelica said...

Sarah, as someone who spent one week here, one week there, back and forth from age 14 to 18... I can totally relate to the whole throw-it-in-a-box, throw-it-in-a-trashbag packing method. It works!

Nicole said...

I never did pack.....going to school online for four years was nice. Just packed to move to Arizona is all.....

When do you leave Haley?