Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Ok... So I have been thinking alot lately about getting a tattoo! Now. I need some opinions. First off do I even get one? Second.. how do you like my design? (thinking about maybe having MacMillan written right below it) And thirdly... where do i put it!? The only place that seems to fit is my lower middle back. Too trampy? HELP!!

Oh the design is a celtic knot that has the symbol for Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy spirit.)


Emily said...

I like it - it's a neat design. I think maybe you could put it tothe left or right on your back - kind of like Ashley's.
Angela just got a tattoo on her foot - I've always wanted to do it on my foot - she actually said it didn't hurt that bad - maybe the foot is an option for you too.

Haley said...

Yea i LOVE the foot idea too. Dont know if it would look very good on my foot, and i hate feet so showing my foot off doesnt really work out for me... But i do like the left or right of my back. My only concern is would it look weird, cause its kind of a circular design?

froelica said...

Tattoos are ALWAYS a good idea (provided they are meaningful and you will like them for a long time). I might suggest on one side of an ankle or in the middle of the top of your neck. Like halfway between the shoulder blades and the neck. That would be shweeet. Or on a shoulder. Lower back on one side or the other is cool too. I'd avoid middle lower back, it suggests sluttyness. I hear feet are incredibly painful to be tattoed. I don't think I'll personally be getting one there... you know, so as to avoid the pain.

froelica said...

Edited to read: "middle of the top of your BACK", not neck.

James said...

Don't worry about what other peeps think. They're not you. Why do you want a tattoo? When you can answer that question, either do it, or don't. Either way you're supercool.

Susie Q said...

You know I like the design. Where to put it? Really the lower back is probably best, middle or side, I don't think it really matters.

Love you, tatted or not.

Mac said...

Da Plane....Da Plane..

That's all I have.

Sarah said...

I love the design and think lower left side of the back. That's my opinion. The design, as I said the other day, reminds me of the biohazard sign. I think it's cool. :)

Sarah said...


See for yourself!

froelica said...

Hah! That took me a second to figure out, Jim. Good one!

Susie Q said...

Nice one Steebur... I wonder what ever happened to that creepy little guy. The way he stood next to "Carnuba Man" like a puppy was just down right...ODD.

For those not getting this AT ALL... The little guy we are referring to is the dwarf dude from "Fantasy Island". His name?


froelica said...

aka Higgins, for the Family Guy fans.

Haley said...

Thanks for your opinions guys! and not even sure what to say about the da plane thing, im obviously out of the loop.

Nicole said...

You and me both Haley! :)