Saturday, August 11, 2007

Fine arts major..?

Most of you know that i want to be a photographer in the future. If you didnt, well now you do! I went down to Oregon State with my mom on thursday. That was a hellish experience. We were late to both of our appointments. We looked like the cool kids looking at the map standing in the middle of the campus trying to find which building we were supposed to be in. After we figured it out i was able to talk to the fine arts dude. He kinda helped me decide if i should be a fine arts major or a business major. Now the problem with the fine arts major is that with that i have to not just take the photography classes but i also have to take drawing, painting, sculpting and crap that seems really cool. However, my skills in that area dont go much further than coloring inside the lines in my cool princess coloring book. Yes i really do have a princess coloring book. Any who.. i walked away from that appointment stressed and relieved all at the same time. I did decide to do the fine arts major. Maybe ill find my true calling in putting some twine together in a piece of "art." No offense to anyone who may have made a piece of art out of twine at some point in their life. Well thats all the rambling i have for tonight. Going to bed soon. Goodnight.


Susie Q said...

Excellent job Hop Dog! The rose is "tits"...

Emily said...

Fancy seeing (reading) you here! :) I'm glad you finally have a blog - now we can communicate even more!!! :)

I'm glad you decided to go with the Fine Arts Major - I think you will be happy - and honestly those classes will probably be much more fun than all the Business ones you would have to have taken.... probably a lot of math and crap like that - no thanks!

Did you guys get the tickets for the OSU game?

Emily said...

Oh and did you take that picture? It's beautiful if you did and I suppose it's beautiful if you didn't as well....

Haley said...

hey em. yea i did take it. and thanks!! Another part of the hellish experience when we went down there. we had three missions. One: fix my major. Two: get myself a parking pass. Three: buy the tickets. We only did one out of the three things. haha. i guess you have to call to get them. blah.

froelica said...

Yay! Another bloggig Mac :)

Your mom told me that you switched your major when we were at James' show. That's awesome!

Word to the wise- when you're taking classes that are kind of outside your comfort zone (like drawing, etc. is for you) you have to learn to grow thick skin. Don't let other people make you feel like you're inferior! I've taken plenty of classes where I was the weakling. Just kick ass elsewhere :)

Oh, and I recommend art history. Interesting stuff.

froelica said...

And by the by-

As a two year employee of the PSU School of Business (working for the professors) I can tell you that a business major is a dull and soulless path. Beware! They're all so.... business major-y. And condescending.

James said...

Good for you Haley!! Fuck business. If your lucky you'll be here on this tiny little planet for maybe 85 years, give or take a few years. You have the priviledge of knowing what you want to pursue! Do it with everything you is easy, being an artist takes balls. I'm proud of you. Keep your head up around all of those college yahoos.
"Don't take any guff from these swine." - Hunter S Thompson

Sarah said...

I think you'll do great in the arts. If your photography says anything about how creative you are and your eye for seeing beautiful things, then you've got it made. Besides, clay vs math...duh.

Amy said...

I agree with Ashley... a business major is a bit soulless. And I went that route anyway.

Think of all the fun art class is going to be. Art is so subjective, all you have to do is throw some paint around and you'll get an A. If they ask what your inspiration is, just say Jackson Pollock. He's famous for splattering paint on canvas and fetching millions for it. You can't lose!

Good luck with the parking pass though. At UofO I was entered into a parking pass pool when I got early admission (in November) and was only 1 of 100 freshman to get a pass that year. Everyone else had to park off-campus. Hopefully OSU has a parking garage like PSU does; UofO only had a couple of very small lots.

Haley said...

Wow Amy that sucks about the parking pass situation at U of O. OSU has like a five level parking garage and they have random parking lots around campus. So hopefully that means I should be ok. The more I think about my decision with my major I get a little more relived... thanks for your opinions everyone.

Nicole said...

HI missy! I'm so happy that you are following your heart and have chosen Fine Arts as your major. From the few pictures I have seen, you've got the eye!

Now is NOT easy....take it from a business major (who's done in less than 5 friggin weeks!). :) BUT it certainly is NOT as hard and strenuous as being an artist whether a photographer or a musician. :) Guess they are both hard in their own special ways. Hell, I don't know what I'm saying - I'm going to bed! Hee hee.

Love you guys!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Awesome, I am also pround of for going with Fine arts, and I wouldn't sweat the other classes you have to take, they have to teach you the basics, I mean its a school right??